The Benefits of Australia Hiring Indian Talents

None can deny that the reason for every progressing economy is its foreign-skilled workforce. IT boomed in the 90s, causing a significant rise in the demand for Indian professionals. Since then, the demand grew. Even the recent data reveals that Indians are looking for job opportunities is various developed nations, including Australia, Canada, Singapore, US, UK and UAE.

One can find the Australian technology and healthcare industries benefitting from several key developments in recent years. Technological developments includes advances in information science, adoption of open source information architecture, adoption of cloud services and integrating virtualization. The industry further enjoys strong support from the Australian government through various programs and initiatives.

Understanding the Australian IT Market

The creation and sales of new products largely drives the Australian IT industry. The demand for the new products is high, particularly in the technology sector. In response to the demand, the IT industry established numerous research and developments across the country. Several Australia-bases technological enterprises are focusing on applications and solutions for offshore customers, with a goal to develop new products that they can market domestically and internationally.

Gartner’s latest report on technology spending states that the Australian IT sector is sure to witness a significant growth of 5.8% in 2023. It further predicted that IT spending in the country might reaching almost $117.7 billion, which is a substantial increase from $111.2 billion in 2022. The growth indicates the robust nature of the Australian IT industry and its ability to adapt to the evolving technological landscape.

With the continuous evolution of technology, the skills of IT professionals continue to expand. The top skills for these professionals include engineering, cloud computing, business analysis and agile methodologies. While some IT professionals attained their skills through formal education and experienced, others utilized online leaning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, YouTube and LinkedIn Learning.

Besides the job growth, experts expects the Australian IT industry to continue in the future. A report published by Deloitte Access Economics and the Australian Computer Society the efficiency dividend from technological advancements adopted by companies resulted in a 6.5% increase in economic value, equating to increase in GDP of $126 billion. Experts expect the emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, internet of things and blockchain to be the driving factors.

Cybersecurity is another area that is experiencing continuous demand for IT professionals. Since most organizations and individuals are relying on Cybersecurity for their daily operations, the requirement for effective Cybersecurity measures is crucial. According to a report by AustCyber, the Australian Cybersecurity industry will expand to its double size within the next five years.

Does your business require hiring the best IT professionals from Asia? Worry not. Search online for the best IT outsourcing Thailand, and speak to the experts.

An Overview of Australian Nursing Industry

Undoubtedly, nurses are heroes of any healthcare system, and there is no exception for Australia. Although most people took the profession for granted in other eras, there’s no denying that nursing is important. Besides, recent studies stated nurses as Australia’s most trusted profession throughout the global pandemic.

Even before the pandemic, Australia had high demand of nursing professionals. Why? The country’s ageing population started putting pressure on the professionals, as the population suffers from chronic illnesses, including diabetes, adding complexity to care across the lifespan. Australia’s older generation comprising of the population of 65 years and above might double by 2057.

One might experience a shock to know that the country faces a shortage of 100,000 nurses, which might increase to over 123,000 by 2030. It increases the demands for nurses and caregivers experts in dealing patients with chronic diseases and geriatrics. Why? Because the country experienced a shrinking supply of nursing-school graduates and nurses migrating from overseas.

If your overseas or Thailand business requires consultation in any field, it is the right time to speak to the experts. You can search online for the reputed and reliable consulting firms in Thailand, and speak to the experts.

Benefits of Hiring Indian IT and Nursing Talent for Australia

India emerged as one of the top global destinations for companies that required Innovative Technology and nursing talent. Enlisted are the reasons why the IT and healthcare sectors in Australia hire talents from the Indian subcontinent.

Huge Pool of Talent

A survey conducted in 2018 revealed that approximately 45% of the employers are finding it difficult to fill the IT positions. Lack of skilled applicants was the primary reason behind it. Although there are several good developers in the IT industry and nurses in the healthcare industry, hiring the right talent in most industries have become a challenge in the western world as well. Therefore, most companies prefer offshore outsourcing to improve their software and nursing development. When the companies are outsourcing their custom IT development needs to Indian talents, they concentrate on their organic growth.

Education and Training

Indian IT and nursing professionals possess extensive technical knowledge. Most professionals are expert in using various technologies, frameworks, programming languages and platforms. Many IT professionals are full-stack developers can handle the front and backend. Besides, several Indian software developers working overseas are experts in developing applications for Android and iOS, which help the Australian companies save time spent in recruiting separate talent for every requirement. Besides, India’s nurses work with a greater degree of efficiency and offer high-quality clinical services. They are experts in administration and procedural, leadership, time management skills and conflict resolution, which are the essential skills of a qualified nurse.

English Speaking Programmers

Companies are looking at choosing an offshore IT development company based on the premise of language capability. Indians stress much on imbibing education and English is a skill that every Indian deems necessary to learn. After the USA, India is now the second-largest English-speaking nation. The best Indian developers and programmers besides being an expert from a technical perspective but good in English communication. They receive training for effective communication over all mediums of interaction.

Regardless of the geographical challenges, the top talents from India always find they occupied with an abundance of work coming their way. It’s because they are aware of the demands of the companies and make changes accordingly. However, despite cultural differences, the Indian talents in nursing and IT sectors ensure not to compromise with the work quality.

Cost Effectiveness

Companies offshoring their custom IT projects and hire Indian coders, programmers and developers, decrease their IT spend by about 20% to 30%. The scenario is same in the healthcare sector as well. It is because the cost of living in India is much lower than the western countries. According to a report published by NASSCOM, 79% of HR leaders state organizations find it challenging to pace up with the rapid evolving technology.

Attitude towards Work

Indian engineers and nurses possess solid technical knowledge and right attitude to work. Besides being hard working, Indian professionals work smartly into the project to ensure that they innovate and give something extra in their professional lifecycle.

Advantage of Time Zoning

With the time difference in India and other countries, companies can get the professionals’ support round the clock, which helps the professionals to deliver their work on time. Organizations need regular completion of projects before the deadline. While working with the global companies, Indian companies fix their deliverables according to the country’s time zone, which helps them interact via calls.


Indian companies offer flexibility in the hiring team. Companies can hire developers and experts at a price that allows your budget or a fair market price.

International Collaboration

In 2019, Indian government introduced the Personal Data Protection Bill in the parliament. Though the bill aims to prevent companies from using personal data, it also helps the companies in protecting those companies’ data who are hiring Indian professionals across industries.

Are you facing challenges in recruiting the right talent for your Thailand business? If your answer is yes, it is the right time to seek helps of the professionals. Search online for the best and reliable recruitment outsourcing Thailand, and recruit the right talent.

Things to Consider While Recruiting Overseas Talent

In a study by Hubble, 42 per cent of employees are open to the possibility of working overseas. While an organization enjoys myriad benefits by building an overseas team, leaders and hiring managers must consider the following factors before starting an international recruitment drive.

Immigration Visas for Employees

Recruiting talent from overseas depends on whether they will work remotely in their home country or start a new life in Australia or New Zealand. In the latter scenario, the organization must ensure that the employees are eligible to enter and work in the country. A non-citizen with the right to work in the country might often experience restrictions in the type of work they might undertake due to their visa. Therefore, organizations must check their employees’ visa details before hiring.

Becoming Familiar with Laws and Regulations

When hiring an employee from overseas, organizations must follow the employment laws applicable to the country. Failing to do so, organizations might experience employee disgruntlement and penalty. How can an organization ensure that they are covering all the legal requirements? The simplest way is to refer to an Employer of Record (EOR), which acts as a local employer on a company’s behalf. Besides removing the costly process of legal entities in several territories, an EOR handles tax, payroll, HR requirements and benefits, keeping the organization confident about operating within the laws of each country from where they are hiring talents.

Set Up Remote Management Platforms and Processes

Today, remote or at least hybrid working has become more prevalent got many employers and employees. An organization likely employs a portion of remote workers. Statistics show that approximately 40% of Australians will work remotely by 2021. Often an organization’s workforce is not completely remote but dotted among varied geographical locations. Managing such a workforce requires relying completely on virtual teams. The managers and other organizational leaders can rely on various online platforms; however, they must strike a balance between setting clear expectations and placing high trust in their remote teams.

Manager Team-Dynamics

Fostering a sense of community among teams stand as one of the biggest challenges for geographically diverse organizations. If the managers and the leaders rarely meet with the remote teams, they will fail to create the same bon they have with the employees who meet in an office several times a week. The best way is to organize face-to-face sessions that are costly and environmentally impactful. Ensure communication is transparent, and schedule regular huddles and brainstorming sessions. Always include your overseas team members in the refreshment stuff as well.

Foster Trust-Based Relationships

Trust is a high-value aspect for any organization, especially in a remote or hybrid environment where employees most of their days in silos. Research states that approximately 72% of employees who enjoy making organizational decisions remain satisfied. When managers and employees stay on opposite sides of the world, it is difficult to micromanage them. However, setting clear expectations and scheduling regular one-to-ones help in tracking progress.

If your Thailand organization is experiencing difficulty with managing the hybrid work, it is right time to seek a professional help. You can search online for the best HR services in Thailand, and get best strategies to support hybrid work.


The article offers comprehensive reasons to hire Indian professionals, especially in the Australian IT and nursing sectors. When an organization has the right team of professionals, they help in developing the brand awareness and brand value. Besides the Indian professionals’ attributes include transparency, control and time zone flexibility, they are responsible professionals who adhere to deadlines.

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